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2019 Reflections

A very wise friend reminded me recently that we can have a tendency to reflect on "what didn't work" or "what we can do better" - rather than reflect on "what worked well" and "what accomplishments we are proud of".

With only a few weeks left until 2020 (hard to believe it is December already) - we are taking time at ArtWare to celebrate all that we accomplished this year.

And we couldn't have done it alone as at ArtWare our work is about Gathering Communities to come together to Get Creative to do some good in the world. 

So thank you to all of you who put your faith in our services and products we have been honored to serve you. See below and CLICK HERE to explore the best of our 2019 accomplishments.

And we so look forward to 2020 and celebrating all the amazing change in the world we will help to foster. Contact today to get started with planning your next project today.

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