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Common Thread

As many of you know my name is Diana Polack and I am the founder of ArtWare for Good... what you may not know is that I have spent the last 30 years as a small business owner. I started my entrepreneurial journey as an outsource lab for photography studios pivoting to a thriving business providing art based fundraisers to schools nationwide. Five years ago ArtWare for Good re-branded with the mission of gathering communities to get creative and do social good.

Reflecting on the past 30 years I have come to realize that a common thread to all of my business pivots and varying market segments is that they are all guided by my personal beliefs, missions and practices.

Creativity is my mantra

As a child I was happiest in art class. Summers as a teenager were spent as an art counselor at day and sleepaway camps. College was in the 1970’s at The NY State College of Ceramics where we learned to draw our life. My formative years instilled in me a desire to bring creativity to my career.

The core of all ArtWare programs is finding your inner creative spark

I am here to serve

I was brought up with a mother and grandmother whose days were filled with an organization that raised money for others.  Philanthropy and volunteering is what they did and became a foundation of who I am. As a mother I served as on the PTA and PTA Councils of my children’s schools for over 10 years and served on a few boards for various charities. 

ArtWare has worked with hundreds of causes in support of raising funds and awareness.

I'm a traveler, not a tourist

As a child National Geographic was my favorite magazine. I dreamed for many years of becoming an ethnographic photographer. I dreamed of traveling the world and becoming the next Margaret Mead. I also had a dream of living as an expat in some far off place (before digital nomad was a thing)

ArtWare has traveled the globe changing the tide for causes benefiting women and children.

I’m a collaborator, connector and facilitator

I love connecting people - I receive so much joy when I know that I have made a connection which is mutually beneficial. When I share that I am actually an introvert - I always get the “YOU?” reaction - and yes I am.  But give me a purpose to address a room and I can command. As a solopreneur I cherish the ability to foster relationships - to converse with others - to show  that a little creativity can go a long way to fuel the soul while creating change.

Whether we are connecting people to people or for profit to nonprofits ArtWare thrives on knowing our connections are creating change in the world.

As we embark on 2020 we so look forward to sharing our work with you.  We will continue to educate our community on WHY the work we do is relevant, meaningful and needed;

We are committed to melding creativity, philanthropy, travel and connection and hope to serve you soon.


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