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Did you Bargello, Hook rugs, Marcrame or Needlepoint?

Do you find yourself drawn to the adult coloring books that are in every retail outlet these days.  Well I did and I am!

My playtime as a child almost always involved “creative make believe” .

As young as elementary school memories there was the –  I’m the teacher and my younger sister and her friends were the students,  I even remember assigning homework.

There was the – I’m a fashion designer phase where I would dress myself and my sister in creations of repurposed clothes and scarves and costume jewelry so we could pose before the make believe camera.

And then as I moved in to middle school then high school there was always an art / craft project that I could not wait to work on once my homework was done. I would occupy my evening hours sitting at my drafting table or on the couch as we watched that evening’s TV lineup, and dare I sneak in one more row on the loom before school the next morning?

In fact the pillows in the photo above are not stock photography but were actually made by me and my mom circa 1970’s.

What are your creative outlets?

Do our children have the freedom for creative time?

Is creativity time going bye bye being replaced by technology, and testing prep?

Follow us at and share your favorite creative outlets.


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